
Nutrition, simplified

Hello, I’m Emily Zilic.
Nutritionist, wellbeing adviser, financial professional, mama and ex competitive athlete. 

I work with busy families and individuals and corporate organisations who want to transform the way they eat, feel and live with Nutrition.

To simplify nutrition for your wellbeing.
Because when you feel your best, you can give your best. At work, home and play. 

I’m driven by an acute understanding of your body’s nutritional needs when you race from one thing to the next. 

I understand the need to nimbly adapt the way you eat. From working late to competing in international bodybuilding events, to being an example for my daughter at dinner, I know it’s hard. 

What I’ve learnt from two decades of corporate life is that nutrition is the key to being able to juggle everything. So I absolutely get your need to eat sustainably, without restriction or another fad diet. 

Your body is extraordinary


Let’s give it the love you deserve. 

That means eating a well balanced diet, guided by simple nutritional principles. 

It means real food, recipes and meal plans. 

It’s advice and support, grounded in the science of nutrition, delivered by a working mum who brings empathy and big picture wellbeing perspective.  

As your wellness and nutrition adviser, my focus is broader than what’s on your plate. I consider your emotional, psychological, mental, spiritual, financial and sexual health. All these aspects of your life can be improved by quality nutrition. 


Your go-to nutritionist and wellbeing adviser 

My corporate career has given me a fire to enhance employee health and wellness by delivering corporate nutrition programs. I’m also available for values-aligned collaborations to advocate for your product and help your audience choose your brand’s healthier alternatives. 

Because transformative change is more effective when we are supported by those we spend the most time with. 

We all know what we should and shouldn’t eat. I’m about zero guilt and helping you make better choices at work and home as part of a sustainable lifestyle change. 

Nutrition that’s good for you
and good for others


A portion of my consultation fee is donated directly to Streat Melbourne. STREAT is a social enterprise helping homeless and disadvantaged youth find sustainable employment in hospitality.


Is it time to make transformational change, for good?